London, United Kingdom

Our Associates Members are not just members in name only. You can help at our Units Overseas chapter in many ways, from providing suggestions and articles for the newsletter to working the chapter sales table at the Units Overseas Luncheon during Continental Congress. You can also enjoy being a part of a chapter located where perhaps you have family, friends or even just a special interest.
Additionally, fundraising is not easily accomplished in most foreign countries, and the number of regular chapter members is generally lower than stateside. Your Associate dues provide a financial boost to our chapters, helping us to fund our projects, awards and other activities.
Your associate membership will be listed on your member summary on e-membership. We send our chapter newsletter to all associate members and you are welcome to join us for chapter meetings via Zoom. Keep up with chapter activities as they are posted, by joining the Units Overseas, NSDAR Facebook page and reading the Daughters Abroad newsletter.